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Nataji® Bronze Sculpture by Natalie Levin
The Ever-Auspicious God
After two years of devotional sculpting by Natalie, this bronze is now a treasured part of the Kauai Hindu Monastery and Temple complex, receiving thousands of visitors and pilgrims each year.
This bronze is a rarely seen depiction of Siva, Creator of the Cosmos, who guides our evolution with the singular power of love. His ten hands hold His divine potencies. Clockwise from His lower right hand:
Abhaya mudra of protection and fearlessness, Thunderbolt of spiritual prowess, Sword of invincibility, Trident for eliminating obstacles, Battle Ax to overcome darkness, Noose to draw us toward Him, Goad to urge us forward on the path, Bow for protecting dharma, Torch of Fire to purify and illumine the mind, and Varada Mudra of compassion.
It is believed by the Swami’s that this is the first traditional form of the ancient Agamic Sadasiva murthi to be sculpted in the Western world. It arrived to grace Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in October of 2019.
Aum Namasivaya! Sivayanama Aum!
This five-faced form of God Siva, seated at the source of the River Ganges in the high Himalayas, is among the most complex and profound, revealing the Hindu understanding of Divinity and Cosmology. Each face embodies an element and a cosmic power:
1) Isana (Akasha/Revealing Grace) top front
2) Sadyojata (Earth/Creation) bottom front
3) Aghora (Fire/Dissolution) right
4) Vamadeva (Water/Preservation) left
5) Tatpurusha (Air/Veiling Grace) back
36”w x 53”h x 20”d
Weight: 300 lbs
A smaller 14” tall version is available
Please contact us for more information.